onsdag den 30. januar 2013

Wuhu, Weekday!

Wuhu. Weekday have finally opened their webshop on weekday.com. Better late than never I guess ;) 

Weekday's brands have an androgynous edgy feel to them which I really like. Some of them are a little to pricy for me though, but on the other hand the styles last and the quality is quite good.

To celebrate I've done some pseudo shopping. This is what I would pick from the shop (that is still in my price range)

Old school ameba dress - 28 €

PC mute ring - 10 €

Nostalgia LS ameba dress - 28 €

Season pieces LS tee - 28 €

Plain mix skirt - 20 €

Lara blouse - 50 €

PC fantastic necklace - 16 €
PC Clear ring - 10 €

all pics weekday.com

tirsdag den 29. januar 2013

OOTD: Stormtrooper print!

Monki is making final mark downs now, and I've bought a lot of good stuff. This outfit may be a little warm for spring, but on the other hand matching print is gonna be hot for another season.

My boyfriend has named this my Star Wars outfit, lol. He thinks the print looks like stormtroopers. 

Chain, studs orange pendant necklace: H&M 69,95 dkk 
Rosa Knit: Monki 80 dkk
Milou Skirt: Monki 50 dkk 

Pic: my own and monki.com

lørdag den 26. januar 2013

OOTD: Shades of Blue and Grey

Blue and grey coat: H&M was 699 dkk, now 100 dkk
Orange chain and gold studs necklace: H&M 69,95 dkr
Earcuff with wing: H&M 39,95 dkr (a package with 4 different pendants)
Dark blue shirt from Saint Tropez: 
Zipper boots (Gent Shoe): Weekday was 859 dkk, now 200 dkr

torsdag den 24. januar 2013

Print, Accessories & Other Stories

Finally the H&M group have released some pictures of the actual styles from their new brand "& other stories". It looks like a match between COS and the H&M Trend line. It has a lot of scarp and classic silhouettes but at the same time there is a little edge to it with some notable details and prints. Especially the accessories line is really interesting. 

It's like a really grown up version of H&M with a lot of focus on quality and sustainability. 

I've picked some of my favorites for this post, but you can see all of them at the swedish site Rodeo or for some styles and some danish prices costume magazine (I've taken the pictures from here). 

I am pretty sure a lot of other blogs will soon post pictures from the sneak peak events. Looking forward to seeing more! 

onsdag den 16. januar 2013

Best Sales Buy

I had to blog about these simply because I'm so in love with them. I can't remember the last time a bought a pair of shoes with such a perfect fit! After finishing my last exam yesterday I went on a bit of a shopping spree (that seems to be the end result no matter how my exams turns out). More pictures will follow hopefully. 

They are 75 % off at Weekday (their name is Gent Shoe). That's from 850 dkr to 212,5 dkr. Or from 110 € to 27,5 €. That is pretty cheap for real leather!

Pictures from weekday.com

I might be quite for a little week or so since I'm going to visit some people now that I don't have school work breathing down my neck anymore.

søndag den 13. januar 2013

OOTD: Suiting up in Flower Print

Just bought this matching jacket and trousers at H&M (really cheap on sale). One of the trends this spring is supposed to be matching pieces so I figured it was a god investment. 

The trousers are too large around the waist and hips, but I didn't want them to be too short (the epic choice between looking like you've grown out of your pants and looking like your hips are wider than usual). 

I think the trousers and jacket are doing all the statement work on this outfit, so I've just added a small silver necklace (this I've found in a secondhand shop)

The shoes I've blogged about before from Monki's winter sale.

fredag den 11. januar 2013

Paradise Hotel: Dress code: Blond Hair, Curls Optional

Normalt er jeg ikke meget til reality TV, men da min ven (mere eller mindre tilfældigt) vandt billetter til gallapremieren på Parardise Hotel 2013 ville jeg da super gerne med. En del af mig håbede virkelig Paris Hilton kom når nu hun er med i seasonen, men det var selvfølgelig ikke lige en del af den deal TV3 har lavet med hende. 

Jeg passede ikke super godt ind, men det var sjovt at se kjolerne og hvordan presse og fans gik amok. 

Normally I don't care much for reality TV, but when my friend (more or less accidentally  won tickets to the gala premiere of the new cycle of Danish Paradise Hotel I really wanted to go. Mostly because Paris Hilton is participating in the new cycle which I find pretty funny (she didn't actually show up though). 

I honestly didn't fit in very well but it was awesome to see the crazy gowns. The press and the fans reactions was a lot of fun to experience. 

Jeg fik ikke taget ret mange gode billeder fra der hvor jeg stod, men her er lidt af nogle af de flotte kjoler. Rikke havde også en super flot kjole på, men jeg fik ingen billeder af den.

I didn't get a lot of great pictures but here are some of the contenders who had very interesting gowns (in my opinion). The host Rikke looked amazing too, but I only got blurred ones of her:

Gudinde inspireret

Greek goddess inspired

Rød med sten på det ene bryst. Den var rigtig fin på hende i virkeligheden.

Red with embellishment on one side of the chest. Looked nice IRL. 

Var vild med den blå farve, men relativt kedelig kjole.

Not that interesting, but a pretty blue color. 

Prøvede at tage et billede af den sorte kjole med nitter på skuldren, men det gik ikke så godt. Det var dog en virkelig fed kjole.

This is actually an attempt to get a picture of the black gown with studs on the shoulders. It was awesome all though you can't really tell from this. 

Elendigt billede, I know, men denne kjole var super flot og en af mine absolut favoritter (mest fordi den også skilte sig ud). Smuk med pailletter i forskelige farver. 

This was my absolute favorite one. It also stood out quite a lot. It is an awful picture, but it had sequins in different warm shades. It looked more expensive then a lot of the other ones. 

These where not the only beautiful gowns but unfortunately the only ones I got pictures of.

Uncomfortable looking on the red carpet (for some reason there wasn't anywhere to get rid of your coat)

onsdag den 9. januar 2013

& Other Stories Update

First of all, sorry I'm not posting more atm. I have a rather difficult exam coming up so I don't have a lot of time. 

Well today H&M send out a press release with some more information about their new brand. 

It's going to start out in 7 different cities and with an online store on stories.com accessible to 10 different European countries. 

In Denmark it is gonna be placed at Amagertorv 29 which a lot of people had guessed already because of the empty building right next to the H&M flagship store. 

I'm looking forward to seeing what they have up their sleeves this spring cause I have to say those little teasers doesn't say much about anything really. My guess from what we've seen so far is that it is gonna be much like COS.

Pic from facebook 

torsdag den 3. januar 2013

5 Types of Tights

I am very much a tight person especially when it's cold outside. Here are some cheap ones, that are also fashion statements. 

The funny ones: Happy/Unhappy from Asos.com 77,66 dkk

The cute ones: with little hearts, Forever 21 8,80$

The printed ones: Tiger pattern from H&M 2 pack 79,95 dkk

The fancy ones: With bling from Pieces 79,95 dkk (the picture is from nelly.com)

The striped ones: Horizontal stripes H&M 69,95 dkk

onsdag den 2. januar 2013

Hang in there Little Closet

New Years resolution no. 1. Organizing

Bought a hundred slim metal hangers at the dry cleaners (Fred Butler. They where 2 dkk for one, so it wasen't that cheap but on the other hand it made so much difference in my closet. I only need around 60 more to have all of my plastic ones replaced.