onsdag den 29. maj 2013

WWW: What do you Wear to a Wedding?

Ever since I was invited for a wedding this September all I've been thinking about is what to wear. At first it was so much fun but now I'm a little freaked out. There seem to be so many rules for what to wear. 

1. No whites - You are not the bride

2. No black - It's not a funeral 

3. Demure - No sluttyness, it's in a church after all
4. You are gonna have to wear those heels all day
5. You never know when you are gonna wear it again so don't throw away your whole salary 
6. Not too slim - You're gonna be eating and drinking all day
7. You wanna be memorable though


I've been trying to put some outfits together nevertheless. Not sure what I'm gonna end up wearing though. 

1 kommentar:

  1. Oh, your so sweet. It is a Great problem for many of the female guests :-)
    The groom and I are not much into people wearlng dresses with patterns in different colours ;-)

    I like your first dress alot!

    Hugs Helene
    Looking forward to the wedding
