onsdag den 29. maj 2013

WWW: What do you Wear to a Wedding?

Ever since I was invited for a wedding this September all I've been thinking about is what to wear. At first it was so much fun but now I'm a little freaked out. There seem to be so many rules for what to wear. 

1. No whites - You are not the bride

2. No black - It's not a funeral 

3. Demure - No sluttyness, it's in a church after all
4. You are gonna have to wear those heels all day
5. You never know when you are gonna wear it again so don't throw away your whole salary 
6. Not too slim - You're gonna be eating and drinking all day
7. You wanna be memorable though


I've been trying to put some outfits together nevertheless. Not sure what I'm gonna end up wearing though. 

torsdag den 23. maj 2013

Loppemarked på søndag! / Flea market this Sunday

Kom til "Lopper på Havnen" på søndag d. 26. fra 10-17. Det er et super godt initiativ fra en af mine gamle kollegaer og hendes super kreative designstude-venner. Der vil både være lopper og nye ting produceret af de kreative hjerner. Jeg har fået en lille bod og vil sælge primært tøj og sko bl.a. noget lækkert vintage.


If you are in Copenhagen come visit "Lopper på Havnen" this Sunday! One of my former colleagues and her creative friends from the design school has started this great initiative! There will be a lot of old stuff but also new creations. I'll have a little booth with some of my shoes and clothes! 

tirsdag den 14. maj 2013

OOTD: Gimme that Neon

A walking Monki poster today :S

Neon lime yellowish shirt from Monki (Trudy Jumper) - 180 dkk
Dianne Batik Jeans from Monki -  on sale was 399 dkk now 200 dkk. 
Black/white/neon necklace from Glitter - cheap on sale (can't remember how much)

The boots and sunglasses are pretty old but they are actually also from Monki. 

fredag den 10. maj 2013

New in: Hair Chalk!

I've been wanting to try hair chalk for a while now. I think you can find some pretty amazing and creative uses of it online. I haven't tried it till now cause I only found some really expensive ones, and I thought it would be pretty stupid to spend a lot of money on something I might not even use. 

Today however I found these in the danish supermarket called Kvickly and they where only 25 dkk <3 Did this little braid as a tryout - Think it turned out all right. 

onsdag den 1. maj 2013

Spring inspiration: Lime!

The sun is finally shining and I'm in the mood for light, bright colors! Lime is a great color but can be very dominating- I would mix it up with some neutral white or black. Here are some items in the lively color that gives a little extra but are easy to dress down.

Pieces Millie Colourblock Shopper 275.21 dkk at asos.com

A little festival like bangle from H&M Divided 39,95 dkk

This might actually be more yellow than green but it's a great fresh color and they knit is very comfy to wear - just bought it yesterday. 180 dkk at Monki (Trudy jumper).

Lime Piano Key necklace from topshop 35,00£

ASOS Curb Chain Triangle Necklace - 165,12 dkk

Fluro mini skater skirt from topshop 28,00£